Mars & Olympus Mons

After taking my geostationary satellite eclipse image Mars was wonderfully high in the sky and I couldn’t go to bed before at least taking one photo.

Mars is amazingly bright and I had to keep turning down the settings. It was late and I was exhausted so I don’t remember the settings exactly, but I think I used gain of 150 and shutter speed of 18ms. I used my 8 inch telescope, 4x barlow lens, and ZWO ASI290MC planetary camera. My entire capture was a 4 minute video that was then stacked in Autostakkert and sharpened with wavelets in Registax.

It’s not easy to see but in the upper right there is a faint circle, that’s Olympus Mons, the largest mountain in the solar system!

With this photo I’m a little closer to finishing my map of Mars!

StarStaX_Mars Map 1-Mars Map 2_lighten.jpg