Professional Skills & Experience


Large projects don’t happen without carefully managing budgets, logistics, regulations, people, and strategic plans. I have over a decade of experience leading domestic and international teams of engineers to deliver superior satellite solutions.

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Network Design & Development

I have been a major part of the design process for multiple satellite and terrestrial systems. My experience spans critical design review, clean room spacecraft testing, bring-into-use missions, Earth station & TT&C design, link budgeting, satellite operations, frequency planning, and much more.


Spacecraft Operations

I design, test, and carry out spacecraft procedures for routine and non-routine activities. I monitor many spacecraft performance metrics, provide health analysis, and watch for anomalies. My custom built analytics platform catches service-impacting events and notifies engineers within seconds.


Satellite Ground Infrastructure Design & Integration

I have built satellite ground infrastructure solutions on six continents for a wide range of services. Projects have ranged from large aperture antenna installations, broadcast system integration, earth station upgrades, and much more.

Spectrum Management

Satellite systems are regulated by the FCC in the United States and the ITU internationally. I have designed satellite uplink and downlink frequency plans, licensed US Earth Stations, licensed spacecraft with the FCC and ITU, and submitted comments to regulatory bodies to protect against unacceptable proposals.

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Interference Detection & Mitigation

RF interference is a major problem, and I have built interference and spectrum monitoring solutions for multiple satellite missions all over the world. I have developed custom algorithms and software packages to log, detect, locate, and classify types of wireless interference.

Who I’ve Worked With




Speaking & Publications

My research publications can be found on Google Scholar. Research topics include aerospace control theory, wireless systems, and data science.

I have spoken at conferences and universities with topics including space & wireless architectures, data analysis, and astronomy/astrophotography. If you are interested in having me speak at your event please contact me.

Some Of The Missions I Have Worked On


A Small Collection of Project Photos